
Here is a list of publications on the topic of Control for Computing:


  • Hellerstein et al. Feedback control of computing systems, John Wiley & Sons, pdf

  • Filieri et al. Software engineering meets control theory, 2015 IEEE/ACM 10th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, pdf

  • Filieri et al. Control Strategies for Self-Adaptive Software Systems, ACM Trans. Auton. Adapt. Syst. 11, 4 (2017), pdf

  • Litoiu et al. What can control theory teach us about assurances in self-adaptive software systems?, Springer Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems III, pdf

  • Rutten et al. Feedback control as MAPE-K loop in autonomic computing, Springer Software engineering for self-adaptive systems 2017, pdf


  • Cerf et al. Sustaining Performance While Reducing Energy Consumption: A Control Theory Approach, EUROPAR 2021, pdf

  • Cerf et al. Cost function based event triggered Model Predictive Controllers application to Big Data Cloud services, CDC 2016, pdf

  • Guilloteau et al. Controlling the Injection of Best-Effort Tasks to Harvest Idle Computing Grid Resources, ICSTCC 2021, pdf